Eye health planning in pregnancy with diabetes


By T1D Sugar Mommas and reviewed by Doctor Theodore Leng, MD, FACS, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at The Stanford University Medical Center

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Eye health is important.

Eye health is something that any person living with diabetes must constantly monitor due to living with a chronic condition. Depending on your specific situation, your medical provider, outside of pregnancy, might ask that you have your eyes examined every 3-6 months or annually.

Many women who live with preexisting diabetes wonder how their eye care might change if they become pregnant and what they can do to prepare their eyes for pregnancy. First and foremost, it is important, if possible, to make sure that your blood glucose management is optimized before becoming pregnant as the hormonal changes of pregnancy can make blood glucose control more difficult. Medical professionals suggest having an eye exam as a part of your pre-pregnancy plan. If your pregnancy was not planned however, it is recommended to have an eye appointment as soon as possible after finding out that you are expecting. 

See your eye doctor regularly

After your initial appointment, work with your medical team to find out frequently you will need to be seen for your eye care. Unless indicated differently by your medical professional, eye care appointments in pregnancies with diabetes will generally be every 2 to 3 months. 

Love your eyes

Remember women living with preexisting diabetes can maintain healthy eyes and good vision throughout gestation. If you experience any changes in your vision, contact your medical professional immediately.

Will my eye health change in pregnancy?

Look for our upcoming post, Eye health in pregnancy with diabetes, to learn about the possible changes that can occur.


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