Meet T1D Momma, Chelsea B.

Michelle Hale, 8 months pregnant in Hong Kong.

Having a family was always what I hoped for, but never thought was possible.

My name is Chelsea and I live on a beautiful island in Hawaii. When I was 25 I was told I wouldn’t be able to have children.  I had just been diagnosed with Type 1 at 18, then Hashimoto’s thyroid disease at age 20 and then PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).  I am one of six children and always thought I would have a big family too so I was devastated! As the years passed I got used to the idea and just figured I would be fun auntie.

Life Can Be Full Of Surprises.

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Fast forward to 2020. I’m almost 39, just lost my job because of COVID-19, quarantining and homeschooling my bonus child and definitely having some tequila! Feeling the stress that so many others were feeling, I started thinking maybe I was having some peri menopausal symptoms because my cycle is never late! My A1C was around 7.5 and that was probably the lowest it has ever been. We weren’t thinking I could get pregnancy and honestly had no clue it was even a possibility! Something just felt different though so I took an at home pregnancy test and there they were… the positive lines staring at me!

To say I was freaked out in the beginning was an understatement. But I also just knew that this little spirit wasn’t going anywhere. I was scared that I wasn’t going to be able to control my sugars the way they were telling me too and very upset about having to have a baby in the hospital. My mother had all of us at home and I’ve seen so many babies born but all at home, but these were with women who didn’t live with preexisting conditions. I had all the normal fears too of what was going on in the world, my age, no job, etc.

The start of this pregnancy was an emotional rollercoaster for me. It brought up unhealed sorrows about my diagnosis with T1D and all the places that I still didn’t want to look at in regards to my diabetes, but it also has allowed me to heal them. I look at how capable I am and how incredibly  remarkable my body is despite the obstacles it faces.   I’ve managed to maintain an average A1C of 5.5 throughout the pregnancy and my sweet boy so far is showing no signs of distress or problems. I feel in some way, my Cassius is not only enriching my life but saving it! This little boy is waking me up to the incredible magic our bodies are.

Having the support of the T1D Sugar Mommas has been such a gift to me

Meeting the T1D Sugar Mommas early on in my pregnancy has been such an amazing support system for me. Seeing so many women with diabetes have healthy pregnancies helped me to not be fearful in my pregnancy and it reminded me that it is possible to have healthy babies and mommas! Hearing other women’s experiences and being able to ask questions has for me been priceless. I didn’t feel alone in my pregnancy living with T1D. I’m beyond grateful for this group and I feel beyond blessed to be gifted this opportunity to grow life and can’t wait to meet our sweet boy!

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@t1dsugarmommas @sugarmommasdiabetes


Meet T1D Momma, Ashley V.


Is Baby Aspirin Recommended in Pregnancy?